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WE BUILD AND INVEST Business for good, co-create shared value to achieve a beautiful earth
Oneness Capital

Oneness Capital is an impact investor dedicated to the organic industry ecosystem. We focus on incubating and investing in industries related to sustainable lifestyles, with a particular emphasis on innovative projects in agri-tech, food tech, healthcare, ecological systems and organic industry. Our mission is to co-create sustainable systems of production, living, ecology, and life through investments with partners who share like-minded vision.


Impact fund founded in 2020
Total invested projects
Total FOFs
Billion USD
Total scale of funds
Oneness Lab
We focus on systematic investments in sustainable lifestyles and the organic industry, strategically funding projects and GPs driving structural changes for the planet's well-being.
We promote well-being through sustainable practices, integrating elements like Organic Kitchen,Life lover workshops, Tea Healing sessions,regular farm works and various activities into our work environment.
We create projects with partners that enhance the sustainability and well-being of humanity, fostering mutual benefit.
We collaborate with impact-driven communities like Impact Hub, Flame China, and MyKunda Community to build a robust ecosystem focused on sustainability and well-being.
东明县| 广宗县| 芦山县| 贵州省| 海丰县| 无棣县| 怀远县| 玉田县| 鄱阳县| 临猗县| 阿拉尔市| 增城市| 二手房| 桂东县| 北川| 化德县| 莫力| 灵山县| 平安县| 麻栗坡县| 重庆市| 鸡西市| 盐山县| 平潭县| 泊头市| 资兴市| 类乌齐县| 海安县| 巧家县| 南岸区| 河间市| 富裕县| 丹棱县| 浦东新区| 崇左市| 龙陵县| 中牟县| 涞水县| 拉萨市| 手机| 徐州市|